Welcome to your Residency documentation page! You can structure this however you would like, and then you can re-structure or organize it later to your liking. I have added some basic structure and things to get things started.
Topics & Projects to Explore
Smart Buoy
Heltec ESP32 Lora v3
- Fun with potential laser cutter materials
- Display Sign for Deer Isle village
LED Pong
Legos for installation art
Deer Isle sign
Sensors Gallery Pages
Sensors Gallery
Events Scheduled
Tuesdays at 3:30pm — Afterschool Middle School STEAM Workshop
DEMO boxes
Thursday, March 28th at 5:00pm — “Meet Your Maker”
- a show & tell of the things you do, work on, etc.
Thursday, April 4th at 10:00am — High School Classroom Visit
- Talk with kids about their professions, answer questions about what they do for a living, demos, light workshop-y type things would be appropriate.
Friday, April 5th at 5:00pm — Make & Take
- Laser cut decorative boxes
Things We Should Buy