The Internet

Most of the section is going to assume that you are interesting in developing web applications or websites. If you are more interested in developing native or desktop applications, you can skip this section and move on to Frontend Development.


Frontend Development

By Frontend Development, we are referring to user interface. A user interface, also sometimes referred to a client, is what the end user will see and how the interact with your program. Whereas an Application Programming Interface (API) is how the user interface works with the backend, server or business logic of the application.

The Building Blocks of Frontend Development

At the most basic level, all frontends all composed of three core technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is the markup, while CSS handles the styling, and JavaScript handles the interactions or behavior. Click each page to learn more about each topic, even if you don’t plan on writing HTML/CSS/JS directly, you should have a basic understanding of these three languages and their purpose, and syntax.





UI Frameworks


UI/UX Design

Backend Development

This section refers to developing the logic and data to run our program, and often we think of this as developing the application programming interface (API).

Server Runtimes