The little black box that appeared in the lab in 2023 inspired this project. This is a design for a parametric box cut on the shopbot. Two kinds of cuts are made: a v-bit cut at 90 degrees to make the hinges, and a cut with a straight endmill to make the rabbet cuts for the side panels and to cut out the parts.
Parameters are: Three box outer dimensions, stock thickness, and the diameter of the straight endmill. The design is made in Onshape, and can be found here.
Onshape model for parametric box.
From Onshape, a DXF is exported from one of the sketches, including just the lines needed for the cuts.
Import the DXF into the shopbot software (aspire or v-carve), close the vectors, and define three toolpaths:
Onshape sketch from which DXF is exported. Rectangles define toolpaths that will be created in Shopbot software (Aspire or V-carve).
Aspire screen, with imported DXF and toolpath guides. Note that the rabbet cut rectangle is longer and narrower than the cutout profile.
Preview for shopbot cuts.