Haystack Mountain School of Crafts
Role: Technology Director
Started: 2019
Hi, I'm James. I work at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts as the Technology Director. I have been working in makerspaces and Fab Labs for over a decade now, and I am trying to help make the world of technology, innovation, engineering, and STEM education more accessible.
1988 | Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (not Amish).
2009 | Started my journey into makerspaces working at M5 while attending university.
2010 | Received B.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Massachusetts Amherst.
2010-2014 | Worked as AS220 Labs (Fab Lab) Manager in Providence, Rhode Island.
2015 | Traveled around the United States in my Volvo station wagon.
2016 | Began working for the Lab School for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at the University of Virginia.
2019 | Received Ph.D. in STEM Education from University of Virginia.
2019 - Present | Working as Fab Lab Coordinator for Haystack Mountain School of Crafts..