Flask is a microframework for developing web applications in python. While it can be used to render server-side content and serve that to a client (i.e., full-stack application), we are going to use it to make an API for a basic application. Python is a great language for doing server-side logic (i.e., business logic) and Flask provides a basic toolset for building and managing a http server.

Welcome to Flask — Flask Documentation (3.0.x)

Start a new Flask project



Making a Flask-based API

The Concise Guide to Building Flask APIs | Manohar Vanga

Flask RESTful API Best Practices

The Flask Mega-Tutorial, Part I: Hello, World!

Developing RESTful APIs with Python and Flask

GitHub - IEPUG/2022_07_REST-API_2: Sample files from REST API 2 Talk on 07/19/2022

Profiling Python Flask Web Apps with Pyinstrument



GitHub - humiaozuzu/awesome-flask: A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins