Forest Scientific Maker-Fab 4x4


Work Area Maximum Thickness Power
4 x 4 1/2” 45 AMP

Design Rules

Your file must be in a vector format. PDF, SVG, AI, DXF are the recommended file formats. You can generate a vector file using one of the following recommended programs:

CAM: Toolpath Generation

Similar to the CNC Routers, we use VCarve Pro to generate toolpaths for the plasma cutter. The program is installed on the Plasma Cutter laptop and the Fab Lab Windows Laptops (located in the rolling cart under the stairs.

Import Vector Design

Generate Toolpaths: Profile

There is only one type of toolpath that is compatiable with the Plasma Cutter: Profile. Profile toolpaths follow the vector along the path.

Tool / Material Selection

Entry / Exit Points

Leadin Cuts

Output Machine File (Post-processing Gcode)


In general, you may can any conductive material.